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Канада - Canada

Канада — государство в Северной Америке
Провозглашение независимости – 01.07.1867 (от Великобритании)
Официальный язык - английский и французский
Валюта - Канадский доллар (CAD)
Территория – 9 984 670 км? (2-я в мире)
Население – 34 796 000 (35-е в мире)

Flag of Canada.svg   A shield divided into four rectangles over a triangle. The first rectangle contains three lions passant guardant in gold on red; the second, a red lion rampant on gold; the third, a gold harp on blue; the fourth, three gold fleurs-de-lis on blue. The triangle contains three red maple leaves on a white background. A gold helmet sits on top of the shield, upon which is a crowned lion holding a red maple leaf. On the right is a lion rampant flying the Union Flag. On the left is a unicorn flying a fleurs-de-lis flag. A red ribbon around the shield says "desiderantes meliorem patriam". Below is a blue scroll inscribed "A mari usque ad mare" on a wreath of flowers.

Canada - is a North American country.
Declaration of Independence - 01.07.1867 (from United Kingdom)
Official languages - English and French
Currency - Canadian dollar (CAD)
Area – 9 984 670 km? (195-th in the world)
Population – 34 796 000 (35-th in the world)


В этом списке указаны только заводы, представленные в моей коллекции
In this brewery list are only breweries from my collection

The name of the City The name of the Brewery Open Clos.       Address State/Province
Barrie Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery, Robert Simpson 2005   E U 3 107 Dunlop Street East Ontario
Blainville Les Brasseurs du Nord Inc. 1988   E   9 875 boulevard Mich?le-Bohec Quebec
Brampton Hop City Brewery, Niagara Falls, Cool Beer 1997   E   1 54 Bramsteele Road Ontario
Bromont Le Micro de Bromont, Brasserie Le Chaudron Inc. 1998   E U 2 92 Boulevard de Bromont Quebec
Burnaby Pacific Western Brewing Co (Vancouver), O'Keefe Old Vienna 1961   E   11 3876 Norland Avenue British Columbia
Calgary Molson, Carling O'Keefe, Calgary Brewing and Malting 1893 1994 E   6 1892 15th Street South East Alberta
Calgary Drummond Brewing   1991 E   9 2544 19 Street SW Alberta
Calgary Big Rock Brewery 1986   E   41 5555 76th Avenue South East Alberta
Chambly Unibroue Inc., Seigneurale 1993   E U 4 80 Des Carri?res Quebec
Creemore Creemore Springs Brewery 1987   E U 9 139 Mill Street Ontario
Creston Labatt Br-s of B.C., Columbia, Interior
1960   E   13 1220 Erickson Street British Columbia
Edmonton Carling O'Keefe, Bohemian Maid, North West, Strathcona 1893 1975 E   1 10542 Fort Hill Northwest Alberta
Edmonton Molson Alberta, Sicks, New Edmonton 1905 2007 E 1 10449 121st Street NW Alberta
Elora Old Mill Brewery Ltd, Taylor and Bate 1993 2000 E   3 55 Mill Street West Ontario
Formosa Brick, Algonquin, Formosa Spring
1870   E   11 1 Old Brewing Lane Ontario
Guelph Sleemans Brewing & Malting 1988
E U 18 551 Clair Road West Ontario
Guelph Wellington County Brewery Inc 1985   E   3 950 Woodlawn Road West Ontario
Halifax A. Keith & Sons Nova Scotia Brewery 1820 1968 E   4 1496 Lower Water Street Nova Scotia
Halifax-Dartmouth Moosehead Breweries Ltd 1964 1993 E
4 Burnside Area Nova Scotia
Halifax Olands Breweries Ltd, Labatt 1897
E U 24 3055 Agricola Street Nova Scotia
Halifax-Dartmouth Sleeman, Maritime Beer Company 2000 1998 2013
6 612 Windmill Road Nova Scotia
Hamilton Lakeport, Amstel, Carling, Brading, Peller 1945 2010 E U 28 201 Burlington Street East Ontario
Jasper Jasper Brewing Company 2005

U 1 624 Connaught Drive Alberta
Kelowna Tree Brewing Co 1996
3 1083 Richter Street British Columbia
Kitchener Waterloo Brewing Co, Brick 1984 E 36 400 Bingemans Centre Drive Ontario
Lethbridge Molson, Sick's Lethbridge Brewing & Malting, Associated 1900 1989 E
7 1 Avenue North Alberta
London Labatt's Ontario Breweries 1828
114 150 Simcoe Street Ontario
Moncton Pump House Brewery 1999
1 131 Mill Road New Brunswick
Montr?al O'Keefe, Dow Ltd, Canadian Br-s, Nat. Br-s, 1790 1991 E
8 990 Notre Dame Street West Quebec
Montr?al Molson's Breweries, John H.R. Molson & Bros 1782
E U 48 1500 Notre-Dame Street East Quebec
Montr?al-LaSalle Brasserie Labatt Lt?e 1956
15 50 Labatt Avenue Quebec
Montr?al-LaSalle Brasserie Allemande, Brasal 1989 1999 E
3 8477 Rue Cordner Quebec
Montr?al McAuslan Brewing Co 1989
3 5080 Rue Saint-Ambroise Quebec
Montr?al Brasseurs RJ Inc., Brasseurs GMT 1988   E   8 5585 rue de la Roche Quebec
Nelson Nelson Brewing Co, Interior, Kootenay 1893 E 4 512 Latimer Street British Columbia
New Westminster Labatt Br-s of B.C., Lucky Lager, Westminster Br. 1879 2005 E
20 210 Brunette Avenue British Columbia
Niagara Falls Niagara Brewing Co 2015 E U 1
Oakville Trafalgar Brewing 1993
3 1156 Speers Road Ontario
Peterborough Kawartha Lakes Brewing Co 1996 2003 E
1 687 Rye Street Ontario
Prince Albert Molson, Sick's Bohemian, Associated, Prince Albert Brewery 1927 1986 E
2 554 17th Street West Saskatchewan
Prince George Pacific Western, Uncle Ben's Tartan, Caribou, Old Fort 1955
E U 1 641 North Nechako Road British Columbia
Red Deer Drummond, Rocky Mountain, Uncle Ben's 1972
3 6610 71 Street, Unit 8 Alberta
Regina Carling O'Keefe, Blue Label, Drewrys, Adanac 1928 1980 E
1 Albert street Saskatchewan
Regina Molson Saskatchewan, Sick's Regina,  Regina Brewing 1907 2002 E
10 1300 Dewdney Avenue Saskatchewan
Saint-Alexis-des-Monts Microbrasserie Les bi?res de la Nouvelle-France 1998
2 90, rang de la Rivi?re-aux-?corces Quebec
Saint John-Lancaster Moosehead, New Brunswick Br-s, Ready's Brewery 1875
E U 45 89 Main Street New Brunswick
Saskatoon Labatt's Saskatoon, Hoeschen-Wentzler 1907 1993 E
1 Saskatchewan Crescent & 8th Street Saskatchewan
Saskatoon Great Western, Carling O'Keefe,  W.C.B. (Drewrys), Hub City 1928
14 519 2nd Avenue Nord Saskatchewan
Sault Ste. Marie Northern Breweries, Doran's, Soo Falls 1899 2006
9 503 Bay Street Ontario
St. John's Carling O'Keefe Ltd, Bennett Brewing Co 1827 1989 E
9 42 Sudbury Street Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John's Molson Newfoundland Brewery 1893
7 131 Circular Road Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John's Labatt Br-s of Nfld, Bavarian, Lindberg
9 60 Leslie Street Newfoundland and Labrador
St. John's Quidi Vidi Brewing Co 1996
23 15 Barrows Road Newfoundland and Labrador
Sudbury Northern Breweries, Doran's, Sudbury B&M 1907 2006

185 Lorne Street

Toronto Labatt's Ontario, Copland 1830 2005 E
3 50 Resources Road Ontario
Toronto Molson, Canadian, O'Keefe, Victoria 1840
46 33 Carlingview Drive Ontario
Toronto Molson Ontario Breweries Ltd 1955 1990 E
6 640 Fleet Street Ontario
Toronto O'Keefe, Dow, Cosgrave's, Toronto B&M, Canada Bud 1859 1967 E
6 286 Simcoe Street Ontario
Toronto Upper Canada Brewing Co 1985 1998 E
14 2 Atlantic Avenue Ontario
Toronto Steam Whistle Brewing 1998

F 1 255 Bremner Boulevard Ontario
Vancouver Carling O'Keefe, Carling, Vancouver Breweries, W.C.B. 1889 1990 E
29 2799 Yew Street British Columbia
Vancouver Molson, Sick's Capilano Brewery 1934
56 1550 Burrard Street British Columbia
Vancouver Granville Island Brewery 1984
6 1441 Cartwright Street British Columbia
Vernon Okanagan Spring Brewery 1985
E U 14 2808 27 Avenue Ontario
Victoria Labatt, Lucky Lager, Victoria-Phoenix 1858 1981 E 1 1920 Government Street British Columbia
Victoria Buckerfield's Brewery 1989
12 506 Pandora Avenue British Columbia
Victoria Vancouver Island Brewery, Island Pacific Brewery 1984
5 2330 Government Street British Columbia
Waterloo Labatt, Carling O'Keefe, Canadian, Kuntz 1844 1992 E 1 155 King Street South Ontario
Whitehorse Yukon Brewing Co 1997
18 102A Copper Road Yukon
Windsor Wakerville Brewing Co 1998 2008 E
1 525 Argyle Road Ontario
Winnipeg Labatt's Manitoba Brewery Ltd, Shea's Winnipeg Brewery 1862 1996 E
9 137 Colony Street Manitoba
Winnipeg Kiewel-Pelissier, Kiewel Brewery, Stanley Mineral Springs 1912 1977 E
Saint Boniface, 191 Dumolin Street Manitoba
Winnipeg Kiewel-Pelissier, Pelissier Brewery 1927 1979 E 7 409-421 Mulvey Avenue East Manitoba
Winnipeg Molson, Carling O'Keefe, Canadian, Drewrys 1872 1997 E
11 1149 Main Street/77 Redwood Ave Manitoba
Winnipeg Molson Manitoba, McPherson, Beaver, Fort Garry 1911 1989 E
6 721 Furby Street Manitoba
Winnipeg-Transcona Uncle Ben's Tartan Breweries (Manitoba) Ltd 1972 1977 E
Winnipeg Fort Garry Brewing Co 1994
4 130 Lowson Crescent Manitoba


всего этикеток на 31.12.2016 Labels in collection


пивзаводов в коллекции Breweries in collection 78
опробовано пива (к-во пивзаводов) Tested beer from: (number of breweries)


посещено пивзаводов Visited breweries